Williamson County Elder Attorney on How to Help an Elderly Loved One Facing Hospital Discharge Alone

Are you worried about an elderly loved one living alone, especially when they’re facing a hospital discharge? As a Williamson County Elder Attorney, I understand your concerns, and I’m here to provide valuable advice and guidance.

Seek Professional Assistance

There are several healthcare professionals who play vital roles in supporting the safe transition from hospital to home for an elderly patient. These include:

  • Discharge Planner: They ensure that your loved one’s transition back home is smooth, arranging for home healthcare services, medical equipment, and medication management.
  • Social Worker: They provide counseling, connect your loved one with local resources, and coordinate services to meet your loved one’s home needs.
  • Case Manager: They oversee the care and services provided by a variety of healthcare providers, ensuring all your loved one’s healthcare needs are met.

Voicing Your Concerns

It’s essential that you speak up about your concerns for your elderly loved one. Here’s why:

  • Plan Ahead: By expressing your worries early, you can help create a comprehensive plan to ensure your loved one’s smooth transition from hospital to home.
  • Arrange Support: These healthcare professionals can help set up essential support services to ensure your loved one’s safety and well-being at home.
  • Resources and Guidance: These experts can provide valuable insights and resources to aid in managing your loved one’s care and improving their quality of life.

Final Thoughts

Remember, your loved one’s safety and well-being are a priority. If you have concerns about their post-hospital care, don’t hesitate to voice them. Additionally, our Williamson County elder lawyers can offer guidance and support during these challenging times.

If you need additional advice or assistance, please reach out to us at 512-337-7271. We’re here to help you navigate these complex situations and ensure the best care for your loved ones.

Thomas Fortenberry

Thomas graduated from The University of Texas at Austin School of Law with Honors in 2005. Thomas has a background in electrical engineering, business management, and mathematics. Thomas is an active member of the Texas State Bar including the Real Estate, Probate, and Trust Law section. Thomas is also registered to practice before the United States Patent and Trademark Office.